CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth

Edit and improve the audio MIDI output of MIDI files.


CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth is a software tool that provides users the means to manipulate MIDI files in order to improve the quality of those files.

To start using this program's features you need to get through a simple installation process that doesn't require advanced computer skills. Once you've completed it, you get in touch with a minimalist GUI, with menu tabs that don't have advanced configuration options, and a poorly crafted background that is similar to those from older OS.

This audio tool supports one to four virtual devices and each one can have its own SoundFont configuration. More, it can be accessed as a MIDI Out device, so you won't need virtual MIDI cables, such as LooBe1, or MIDI Yoke.

Because of the fact that it can automatically run when a track is played, it gives you, as a user, the possibility of activating the hardware mixing to improve the performance of your computer.

Furthermore, it comes with smart shortcut keys that let users open the Midi mixer, select the channel, increase and decrease the volume, or simply mute it.

In conclusion, CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth is a decent tool for improving the quality of MIDI files, has a user-friendly interface and it's free. Do try it.


  • Supports up to four virtual devices
  • Automatically runs tracks
  • Supports hardware mixing


  • Has basic configuration options
  • Has an outdated look
This program received 1 award
License type:
Henry Basinger 2 years ago

Very useful in playing SF2 styles.

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